Session3: Inter-basin interactions and marine heatwaves

Conveners: Chunzai Wang, Shin Kida, Xichen Li

Session description:
The interactions among the tropical Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean basins are increasingly recognized as a key factor in understanding climate variability, and marine heatwaves emerge as a cutting-edge research topic. This session explores the inter-basin dynamics shaping the global climate. The session delves into the far-reaching impacts of ENSO on the Indian, Atlantic, and Southern Oceans by uncovering the complex mechanisms and pathways connecting these ocean basins, from the Indian Ocean-capacitor effect to the Atlantic's influence on Pacific ENSO events. The session also discusses the profound consequences of inter-basin teleconnections on marine heatwaves and their broader implications for regional and global climates. Join us for an insightful exploration of these interconnected systems and their significance for climate predictability and projection.